We are not a website factory. We take a limited number of web projects each year in order to provide excellent customer service and create a product that truly reflects our individual client needs. We do not believe one-size-fits-all. We do not cram your content into a template. We care about how your website is performing and we stick around after launch to make sure you're happy.
I had the pleasure of working with Rachel to redesign my pediatric practice website. Throughout the design process, Rachel had great design ideas and was very flexible. We were able to design a website that looks so much more professional than the “cookie cutter” websites that I could have purchased through an online service. Not only is my new website very easy to navigate on both the laptop and mobile versions, Rachel has helped with SEO to make sure it is easy to find by my current and future patients. Rachel has also shown a commitment to her clients long-term. Even though the website has been live for several years, Rachel remains available to troubleshoot any IT concerns and still periodically checks in to ensure the website is functioning well.
- Dr. Steven Hirsch
Luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Nullam quis. luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Nullam quis risus egere vel eu leo.
Ready to look good on the web? Learn about the different platforms (and their starting prices) to see which you feel might work best.
For most businesses, WordPress is a great fit. We can design a broad range of looks and customizations and also make it easy to manage in-house. WordPress requires regular updates but we have that process down pat. We are big fans of WordPress and only build large websites on this platform.
Perfect for: Small and large businesses, established businesses ready for custom, businesses that wish to manage in-house, bloggers interested in SEO.
I had the pleasure of working with Rachel to redesign my pediatric practice website. Throughout the design process, Rachel had great design ideas and was very flexible. We were able to design a website that looks so much more professional than the “cookie cutter” websites that I could have purchased through an online service. Not only is my new website very easy to navigate on both the laptop and mobile versions, Rachel has helped with SEO to make sure it is easy to find by my current and future patients. Rachel has also shown a commitment to her clients long-term. Even though the website has been live for several years, Rachel remains available to troubleshoot any IT concerns and still periodically checks in to ensure the website is functioning well.
- Dr. Steven Hirsch
For most businesses, WordPress is a great fit. We can design a broad range of looks and customizations and also make it easy to manage in-house. WordPress requires regular updates but we have that process down pat. We are big fans of WordPress and only build large websites on this platform. Perfect for: Small and large businesses, established businesses ready for custom, businesses that wish to manage in-house, bloggers interested in SEO.
We just can't knock this platform for the right web situation. What you give up in customization ability, you gain in streamlined easy-to-use web technology that even allows you to set up an online shop with the click of a few buttons. We will customize a SquareSpace web theme for your business, make sure your content flow is working well and add some finishing touches through content.
Perfect for: Smaller businesses who don't need a lot of fancy design, non-profits who want to collect donations and have a limited budget, startups with online shops, people who really want to manage their site in-house without any headaches.
Showit is a pretty spectacular website tool (self-hosted) that can be configured for a broad range of businesses. It's not for large sites, but it sure does shine when it comes to getting creative and easy management. Perfect for creative professionals including: Photographers, Florists, Graphic Designers, and Wedding Pros
Did you purchase a "do-it-yourself" website theme for Showit and you have discovered you can't really do-it-yourself? We get it, and we can help! We can jump in and get the site up and running for you, even modifying where needed to make sure the theme navigates perfectly for your business. Find the theme you love, set-up your account and pass to us to finish. You'll be up and running in no time.
Looking for just a little bit of help? These services are available a la carte and might be just the right fit depending on what you are looking for.
Luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Nullam quis. luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Nullam quis risus egere vel eu leo.
Showit is a pretty spectacular website tool (self-hosted) that can be configured for a broad range of businesses. It's not for large sites, but it sure does shine when it comes to getting creative and easy management. Perfect for creative professionals including: Photographers, Florists, Graphic Designers, and Wedding Pros
A good website is kept current and shows your business in the best possible light. Your website should be working for you at all times. Let us do the heavy lifting. We can add galleries, edit content and keep you looking fresh year-round.
Wordpress sites have to be maintained or they will break. This basic service keeps plugins updated, themes working, and WordFence security in place. Billed automatically on the first of the month it's a small price to pay for peace
of mind.
Looking to improve your placement with Google? Search Engine Optimization is a very real thing and our team produces visible results (often in a short period of time) We do not offer SEO services alone but we can bundle them with a 6-month marketing contract as the success of SEO is dependent on other marketing elements working correctly too.
We offer hosting on our private virtual server for our web clients. This server is maintained by a professional web hosting team and we monitor the websites to ensure they are up as much as possible. We also include 1-year of free hosting when we develop your WordPress website.
After launch we stick around! We want to see our clients succeed and we offer a range of support options after launch so you are never stuck with a stagnant website.
Unhappy with your current host? Or need to leave your web development company who is holding your site hostage? If your site is on the WordPress platform, our team can help! We have a few requirements to move a website to our hosting service, but the process is generally pain free!
Luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Nullam quis. luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Nullam quis risus egere vel eu leo.
Did you purchase a "do-it-yourself" website theme for Showit and you have discovered you can't really do-it-yourself? We get it, and we can help! We can jump in and get the site up and running for you, even modifying where needed to make sure the theme navigates perfectly for your business. Find the theme you love, set-up your account, and pass to us to finish. You'll be up and running in no time.
After launch we stick around! We want to see our clients succeed and we offer a range of support options after launch so you are never stuck with a stagnant website.
A good website is kept current and shows your business in the best possible light. Your website should be working for you at all times. Let us do the heavy lifting. We can add galleries, edit content and keep you looking fresh year-round.
Wordpress sites have to be maintained or they will break. This basic service keeps plugins updated, themes working, and WordFence security in place. Billed automatically on the first of the month it's a small price to pay for peace
of mind.
Looking to improve your placement with Google? Search Engine Optimization is a very real thing and our team produces visible results (often in a short period of time) We do not offer SEO services alone but we can bundle them with a 6-month marketing contract as the success of SEO is dependent on other marketing elements working correctly too.
We offer hosting on our private virtual server for our web clients. This server is maintained by a professional web hosting team and we monitor the websites to ensure they are up as much as possible. We also include 1-year of free hosting when we develop your WordPress website.
Unhappy with your current host? Or need to leave your web development company who is holding your site hostage? If your site is on the WordPress platform, our team can help! We have a few requirements to move a website to our hosting service, but the process is generally pain free!
We just can't knock this platform for the right web situation. What you give up in customization ability, you gain in streamlined easy-to-use web technology that even allows you to set up an online shop with the click of a few buttons. We will customize a SquareSpace web theme for your business, make sure your content flow is working well and add some finishing touches through content.
Perfect for: Smaller businesses who don't need a lot of fancy design, non-profits who want to collect donations and have a limited budget, startups with online shops, people who really want to manage their site in-house without any headaches.